Thursday, December 29, 2005

Why I Love Christmas

Man, I love Christmas. From the end of November to the end of December it’s pretty much impossible to be sad about anything. The lights, the trees, the music; they are all things I wish I could have year round. This Christmas, like the last few, was spent with the fam in California. I wish I could say it was warm and sunny but it was actually dreary and rainy the whole time I was there, while good ole Fort Collins was experiencing awesome weather. Even though it was cold, I still had to go swimming in my parent’s pool at least once. The water temperature was 50 degrees, and I lasted in it about 15 seconds. It sure gives me a lot more respect for the people who like to go swimming in frozen lakes. They are either really tough or just really desperate for attention. Christmas day was awesome as usual. Family, prime rib, and pie pretty much make for a perfect day. One of the nice things about having a little brother and sister is that even though I am old enough that all I get is the practical gifts, I still get to play with hot wheels and legos all day. The coolest thing about Christmas this year is that more than ever, I have a deepened appreciation for Jesus. How incredible is it for the creator of the universe to have loved me enough to confine himself to a human body for the sole purpose of experiencing the most excruciating death possible. Without the love of God there would be no birth of the Son. Without the birth of the Son there would be no death of the perfect sacrifice, and without the resurrection there would be no victory over the curse of sin and the eternal separation from God it causes. The miracle of my salvation began with a baby who was God. That blows my mind, and that’s why I love Christmas.


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