My uncle, aunt, and cousins have lived 45 minutes north of me for the last 10 years. I can count on two hands the number of times I have seen them in those 10 years. About a month ago something terrible happened. A bad situation arose with my cousin Josh and an ex girlfriend and events that took place resulted in Josh being shot to death by police. Its just a bizarre, tragic situation. None of it had to have happened and things had to go just wrong to end like it did. Its one of those things in life that just blindsides you, leaving you kind of numb. I hurt for my aunt and uncle. What hurts just as bad though is that they’ve been right in my backyard for so long and I’ve never made an effort at relationship. About the only good thing that has come out of this tragedy is the fact that it has brought the family closer together, at least for me. Its pretty sad though that it takes circumstances like this to do it. I could have invested myself in the life of my cousin but in this case there is no second chance. Its easy for me to rationalize by saying I was too busy or they were too far away, but basically what it boils down to is I was completely selfish and just didn’t care. I have been blessed in my life with so many people who have cared enough about me to invest in me. I want to do the same for others. Yeah its not always convenient and easy, but it can have eternal reward. So, as I finish writing this up I am getting ready to head up to Cheyenne to hang out with my aunt and uncle. I almost decided not to go, thinking there were all kinds of things I could be doing at home. Its amazing how selfish I can be …